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E-Learning Community Server (ECS)

The E-Learning Community Server (ECS) is a message-oriented integration platform (MOM) and is subject to a REST architecture.

Free Software

The ECS is published on in a GIT-Repository as Free Software under the free license AGPL. GIT is used as version control software.

ECS-Announce Mailinglist

This mailing list is used by to publish information and news about the ECS. It should be noted that you cannot send messages or replies to this list. After subscribing to the list, all mails sent by FreeIT will be forwarded to you.

ECS based applications


Integration of the learning platforms ILIAS, Moodle and StudIP (material and course publication) with integration of the campus management systems HIS/LSF, HISinOne and CAMPUSonline.


The virtual programming lab ViPLab is a web-based teaching platform and enables the creation of numerical computational programs in predefined guided learning units. You can run your own or programs can be executed and their results evaluated. Compiler and computational program run in the background on servers of the RUS. The programming of numerical algorithms and testing or even the execution of programs is programs is available online. It's provided by Rechenzentrum, University of Stuttgart, Germany.


ECS slides for the Ilias conference in Stuttgart on 6./7. September 2012